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I am blogger, author, entrepreneur from India. See more details at
Writer. Com
Low tide smells from the Island City
Author: A Life Afloat | YouTuber | Content Creator @ Instahyre | Marveler | Traveler
An assortment of interesting finds, disconnected trivia and insightful content for the insatiably curious generalists, curated by Tanmay Shah.
The musings of a hyperactive mind. This newsletter is no longer updated. Visit my new blog (under construction) at
Trying to convince people that mental health is akin physical health and understand the ever-unique ways in which our brains work
All about South Asian architecture, art history and literature.
A CS Engineer stuck in the fictional world rather than technical. Reach out to my mail ID: in case you face any technical issue with my posts.
A network created to uplift, respect and love the communities we serve
To purchase a copy of my new book THE SHOW GOES ON: BROADWAY HIRINGS, FIRINGS AND REPLACEMENTS click on "Books" below.
खुद की तलाश में भटकता एक बटोही।
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